Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Scripps Spelling Bee and Other News

My Eighth Grader won the Local Homeschool Scripps Spelling Bee!!!!!! Yea!!!!! Now we're on the Homeschool Spell-off in two weeks. It was a nail biter, she went to war with very smart 10-year old. I knew she would win, but I didn't know it would be that hard. Before going in, I thought my sweetie could spell anything that came her way. I was wrong. Now we are practicing Greek, Latin, Arabic, Scientific terms, etc. to win the next round.

This spelling bee is great because we are going over spellings and meanings, so she (and the rest of us) are learning a lot along the way. Like we discovered this guy, a Fennec Fox from Africa.

In other news, my little artist (4th grader) is doing a wonderful President presentation in keynote (mac's version of PowerPoint). She is actually computer designing an American Flag. Did I mention that my husband is a Graphic Designer, so she's got it honest. She also loves to listen to stories on CD. I am learning to go with the flow with her. I read somewhere and not sure where, that I needed to get the book Discover Your Child's Learning Style. I ordered it on ebay right away, and it has helped me immensely. I have changed my teaching tools and style when it pertains to her. I am seeing a difference already. It really really helps to know how your child learns.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to your little spelling genius! That's amazing.

    It's so good to learn to go with the learning style. Don't resist the wave; ride it.
