Saturday, April 25, 2009

In Honor of Poetry Month

Because my girls are into music and singing, I encourage them to write creatively and to write poetry because I think they could easily become songwriters with these skills if they so choose. 

As a special Poetry month program My oldest daughter has been attending a free 4-hour poetry & creative writing workshop at one of the libraries in our city. She's been so excited to attend every week, I am sorry to say the class ended today. I gathered together some special gifts for the teacher because she showed such dedication to my child, and I really appreciated it.
One assignment my children have  for spelling is to write a song, poem, or story using their spelling words. My eight year old daughter sent me this poem she wrote using 8 of 20 spelling words. Hubby saw it thought I wrote it, and thought it was even advanced for me.

It's Called The Sun

A party of amazement when the light comes and visits your home you demonstrate your gentle rivers high balance and are happy it came to your address .

1 comment:

  1. Your daughters seem very talented, good for them! By the way, I met you at the UBP this year and was inspired by your blog. That's why I have nominated you and your blog for the Attitude of Gratitude Award. Please stop by my blog,
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    and read the post, Attitude of Gratitude Award. Keep up the good work, Jewelry Rockstar!
